Judi Hampton | Trainer, teacher, and professional development coach


Professional Development Training Workshops and Seminars

Judi Hampton’s results-based training services provide clients with significant and lasting skills development.  Her knowledge of major sectors that include business, education, and non-profit organizations allows her to tailor training programs to meet changing workplace demands.

Judi’s programs are rich in content and provide answers and strategies for complex work issues. Training participants and coaching clients are given the opportunity to immediately apply learned skills and retain them for longer-term change.

Participatory workshops entitled “Developing into a Powerful Leader” provide a mixture of lecture, discussion, and interactive learning to teach leadership skills such as communicating, prioritizing, motivating, and delegating.

Professional Development Coaching

Judi Hampton provides customized coaching in one-on-one or small group formats. These sessions are tailored to address each client’s specific workplace challenges and concerns—and offer immediately applicable solutions. 

The coaching sessions provide a confidential, safe forum for discussion of issues that can be too sensitive to address in group training. They give clients an opportunity to clarify goals, identify obstacles, and be advised on concrete ways to move past stumbling blocks. Through coaching, clients are able to untangle complicated issues and see solutions with greater clarity.

Eyes on the Prize
Leadership Programs

Through workshops and speeches, Judi uses the lessons of leadership in Eyes on the Prize to show audiences and participants how to inspire, motivate, and exemplify resilience as leaders.

Through the examples of great leaders and ordinary citizens seen in the film series, audiences are guided to evaluate and develop their own innate leadership qualities and abilities.

Judi Hampton recently visited Metro State College in Denver where she was a guest lecturer on leadership, diversity, and Eyes on the Prize. Read about her visit in the Denver Post.