Judi Hampton | Trainer, teacher, and professional development coach


Judi Hampton’s seminars and workshops are highly interactive, giving participants the experience of exploring their own workplace challenges and practicing new skills. By using humor, empathy, and her in-depth work world knowledge, Judi engages participants and motivates them to learn.

Specialty areas include:

  • Managing multiple priorities and solving conflicting priorities
  • Developing strong leadership/influence skills at any level
  • Results-based cross-cultural communication skills in a diverse workplace
  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) training and compliance
  • Becoming a powerful public speaker
  • Effective e-mail and business writing
  • Business communications for English as other-language speakers
  • Resolving team and peer conflicts
  • Leading high-return meetings
  • Restoring work-life balance
  • Implementing customer-retention strategies

Judi works extensively with clients before seminars and workshops to identify key issues and customize programs. This enables participants to gain maximum benefits and come away with practical new skills they can use immediately and effectively.


Here are agendas for three of Judi Hampton’s courses that are open to the public and New York City employees.

Delegation and Time Management

This course focuses on skills for organizing, planning, and prioritizing work assignments. Participants will learn strategies for developing short and long-term plans to delegate, track, monitor, and ensure successful completion of their unit’s work.


  • Analyze and improve work processes
  • Develop a personalized daily/monthly plan to accomplish goals
  • Identify and address time wasters
  • Manage interruptions and crises
  • Delegate work to appropriate staff
  • Overcome resistance to delegation


Managing Multiple Priorities

This program will prepare participants to manage better the multiple priorities faced in today’s fast paced work environment. It will focus on how participants can take control of their workday with methods for maximizing efficiency and effectiveness and minimizing stress.


  • Clarify and set work and personal goals and objectives
  • Develop skills that get you organized and help you stay organized
  • Take charge of time
  • Identify and keep top priorities in motion when everything is important
  • Recognize and overcome “productivity killers.”
  • Utilize planning and organizing tools to measure and monitor progress


Mind Tools for Memory

In today’s high-demand agency workplace, it is harder than ever to remember everything you need to retain—from names and passwords to all the details required to bring your projects to successful completion. But building your memory can be achieved by practicing a few simple but powerful techniques. In this course, we will study memory-enhancing methods that will improve your ability to solve problems, organize your time, meet deadlines, work well with co-workers and clients, and project your best professional self.


  • Assess your ability to remember facts, figures, names, and assignments
  • Revitalize your mindset about remembering
  • Practice powerful memory improvement techniques
  • Give and receive feedback to help improve your skill
  • Drill memory-focused listening
  • Plan how to use memory techniques to meet your agency workplace challenges
  • Develop your action plan to apply and further improve your memory skills